Tuesday was a strange day. One of my favorite parts is in the morning when I go to a men's breakfast, this week there were 18 guys. It is a wonderful time of being together.
Here is a picture of Thom going through his journal on our way to the breakfast. Thom is famous for writing down things people say and then quoting it back to them - it is a really cool gift.

Today Chico had another fit and we are having to make him a safe room downstairs.
We are also having our house painted. Dave is heading it up, but others are helping – like Ben.

Michon was interviewed for an article in the City Pages on youth and movies. I took her on the motorcycle and dropped her off at Dulano’s Pizzeria
Then I dropped my car of to have the mirror replaced that Josh knocked off when he and Michelle stayed at our house when we were in Guatemala. That led to leaving the car there for more body work on areas of rust.
Then in the evening there is a Bible discussion group. We had a great conversation about 1 Corinthians 12-14.
I then got home about 10, with a partly primed house, no car, a daughter who was interviewed for a news paper, a new room in the basement and a tired body.