wheat logo thing
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Got a great birthday gift from my friend Michael Toy in the mail today -
Tuesday was a strange day. One of my favorite parts is in the morning when I go to a men's breakfast, this week there were 18 guys. It is a wonderful time of being together.

Here is a picture of Thom going through his journal on our way to the breakfast. Thom is famous for writing down things people say and then quoting it back to them - it is a really cool gift.

Today Chico had another fit and we are having to make him a safe room downstairs.

We are also having our house painted. Dave is heading it up, but others are helping – like Ben.

Michon was interviewed for an article in the City Pages on youth and movies. I took her on the motorcycle and dropped her off at Dulano’s Pizzeria

Then I dropped my car of to have the mirror replaced that Josh knocked off when he and Michelle stayed at our house when we were in Guatemala. That led to leaving the car there for more body work on areas of rust.

Then in the evening there is a Bible discussion group. We had a great conversation about 1 Corinthians 12-14.

I then got home about 10, with a partly primed house, no car, a daughter who was interviewed for a news paper, a new room in the basement and a tired body.
Sunday, July 06, 2003
I had a tremendous birthday yesterday.
I turned 37 a non-important age, no mile-stone or anything.
My kids made me a huge breakfast in the morning - 7 pancakes, eggs, English muffin, juice and a yogurt shake. Then I was led outside, blind folded.

Shelley and the kids bought me a hammock so "I could enjoy the back yard I worked so hard in".

Matt Henry arranged a paintball outing with a bunch of guys.

It was really expensive, but we had a great time. But it took its toll -

I then spoke at Bluer - a church that is meeting in our space for the next 6 months.

Afterward I went out of the building and there was a big group of people waiting for a surprise party. We went to the Black Forest Inn for dinner. I thought about Andrew Jones all night. The Restaurant is a classic German and I wanted to get just the right meal for a birthday at a German restaurant - I know Andrew would understand. So I asked Rachel who is German and lived in Germany "what is a perfect Birthday meal that would honor Andrew?" Jagger Schnitzel.

It was a great day.